
ክቡር ሀይለማሪያም ከፍያለው(ዶ/ር)
የቢሮ .ኃላፊ
You welcome to visit our website!

I am Dr. Haielmariam Kefyalew ; Head for Bureau of Agriculture of Amhara National   Regional State. Amhara Region is a home for more than twenty million people, of which more than 85 percent’s lively hood is directly linked with agriculture.

It has been long established that the region is blessed with rich agricultural resources; its climate is favorable for production of various cereal, vegetables, fruit, cash crops and animal husbandry. Paradoxically the region endowed with such natural resources has a history interlinked with frequent draught and famine.

The regional government mandated the Bureau of Agriculture to turn out this situation. Since its establishment, on the bases of the country’s Agricultural policy, the Bureau has been preparing and implementing a short and medium strategic plan as well as cause of a rapid and sustainable agriculture.

I hope this web   provides you basic information about the Amhara Region agricultural activities, however, it needs to be improved and we will work on it continuously. Hence, I sincerely request you to give us your opinion, suggestion, comment and what so ever you feel, that helps us to step up our service, as well the information we load on the web.

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ስልክ ፡ 251-058------
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ስልክ ፡ 251-058------
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